Offender Education Workshop Candidate Conduct Policy
This Workshop Policy is designed to ensure a safe, honest, and effective learning environment with a shared commitment to fostering mutual respect, upholding high standards of ethics, and supporting the department’s core values.
At all times, registered candidates must:
- Demonstrate courtesy, professionalism and respect for others.
- Attend all classes regularly and on time – Arriving 10 minutes late or more to the start of class or return from any break is a violation of this policy. On examination dates, doors are locked promptly at the start time, no admittance to the classroom will be allowed.
- Prepare for each class; registered candidates must bring appropriate materials and assignments to class and participate in all classroom activities.
- Assist staff and be cooperative in maintaining safety, order, and discipline.
- Respect the property of others, including the property and facilities where workshops are held.
I certify that I will adhere to all requirements of this policy. I understand that a violation of the Workshop Candidate Conduct Policy is enforced at the discretion of the Instructor or TDLR representative. Violations may result in immediate dismissal, forfeiture of fees paid, and possible prohibition from attending future workshops.