The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) has contracted with Strides Youth Services, Inc. to provide Offender Education Instructor Training Services, including: registration, course delivery and examinations.
Strides Youth Services, Inc. prohibits weapons to be brought on training site building premises and/or classrooms. This is in accordance with Texas Penal Code 30.06 and Texas Penal Code 30.07. This prohibition includes virtual learning platforms and/or electronic learning platforms.
Weapons that are determined to be unacceptable and may include, but not be limited to, all or several of the following: Assault Weapons, Ammunition, guns, pellet guns, air pistols, firearms and accessories, hand weapons e.g. brass knuckles, batons, knives and stun guns.
Failure to abide by this requirement may result in candidate immediate removal from training class and forfeiture of registration fee.
The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) has contracted with Strides Youth Services, Inc. to provide Offender Education Instructor Training Services, including: registration, course delivery and examinations.