Strides Youth Services, Inc. requires all registered training candidates to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times. Our goal is to establish and maintain a learning environment which is designed to ensure a safe, honest, and effective learning environment with a shared commitment to fostering mutual respect, upholding high standards of ethics, and supporting core values. Failure to do so may result in losing/forfeiting your examination fee of $425.
The following displayed behaviors are determined to be unacceptable and may include, but not be limited to, all or several of the following: A. Absence from any scheduled days of workshop; B. Lateness/tardiness to any scheduled days of workshop; C. Cheating or Attempting to Cheat on assignments, projects and/or exams; D. Failure to return on time from scheduled breaks during all scheduled days of workshop; E. Failure to complete homework and/or assignments given out by instructor; F. Failure to adhere to no cell phone or phone call use while class is in session; and G. Conducting or attempting to conduct personal and/or business while training is in session.
It is with this in mind, at all times, registered candidates must:
- Demonstrate courtesy, professionalism and respect for others.
- Attend all classes regularly and on time (in person, virtual learning or electronic learning platform) – Arriving 10 minutes late or more to the start of class or returning late from any break is a violation of this policy. On examination dates, no admittance to the classroom, virtual learning or electronic learning platform will be allowed.
- Prepare for each class; registered candidate must have access to assigned materials and have them available for class sessions for active participation in classroom activities.
- Assist staff and be cooperative in maintaining safety, order, and discipline.
- Respect the property of others, including the property and facilities where workshops are held.
The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) has contracted with Strides Youth Services, Inc. to provide Offender Education Instructor Training Services, including: registration, course delivery and examinations.